How Poor Indoor Air Quality Affects Asthma

You may not realize that there are many pollutants inside your home that can trigger your asthma symptoms. That’s why it’s important to know where these triggers come from inside your home, so you can figure out how to keep them out. Learn more about how poor indoor air quality affects asthma.


The first factor in your home that could impact your asthma is smoke. This typically comes in the form of secondhand tobacco smoke. Smoking in your home can also cause an unpleasant, lingering odor inside of your home.


The next kind of pollutant that can affect the air quality inside a home is mold. You can easily identify mold by its black appearance and where it grows in your home. Mold most commonly grows in areas with high moisture, such as bathrooms and basements. Breathing mold spores can be harmful to anyone, but someone with asthma may be more sensitive to it. However, you can prevent mold with air proper ventilation, so make sure your HVAC unit is in good condition.

Dust Mites

Those who suffer from asthma are also susceptible to dust mites. These microscopic creatures can lurk inside your home and contribute to poor air quality. A dust mite’s feces can get into the air can and become a main asthma trigger for many people.


Pests such as cockroaches can also prompt asthma symptoms. Pest-related asthma symptoms are typically triggered by droppings, salvia, and the shedding of skin. If you start to notice that your allergies or asthma are acting up, there’s a chance you may have pests are in your home


Another way poor indoor air quality affects asthma has to do with your pets. House pets who have a lot of fur tend to shed often. Because of this, their hair can get into the air and worsen asthma side effects.

Replacing Your Air Filter

An easy fix to ensure your home’s air quality is up to par is to replace your HVAC unit’s air filter regularly. An air filter is responsible for keeping these harmful particles that can affect your asthma out of your home’s air. Remember the Filter offers a wide selection of AC filters online to ensure your home is safe for anyone who has asthma or allergies.

EducationIndoor air quality (iaq)

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