Common Myths & Misconceptions About Indoor Air Quality

It seems like we’re spending all our time indoors these days. This is especially true in the wake of the pandemic, which makes you start to think more critically about indoor air quality (IAQ). With this in mind, here are some common myths and misconceptions about indoor air quality.

Myth #1: Outdoor Air Is Always Cleaner Than Indoor Air

There’s nothing like getting a breath of fresh air outside, which is why most people think that outdoor air is always cleaner than air from inside. However, this only holds true in areas that are away from industrial activity.

If you live near an industrial plant or in the heart of a bustling urban environment, you may come into contact with outside pollution. Therefore, the air in your house or apartment may be cleaner than the air outside.

Myth #2: Indoor Air Quality Doesn’t Have a Significant Impact on Health

It’s easy to forget to dust or vacuum your home once in a while. Nonetheless, some people don’t think indoor air has significant health implications for their well-being. This is not true, though, because poor indoor air quality can lead to all sorts of health problems.

Some symptoms you may experience if you have poor indoor air quality include fatigue, congestion, headaches, nausea, dry eyes, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms could arise due to a number of airborne pathogens that might be rampant in your home’s internal atmosphere.

Myth #3: A Fresh Coat of Paint Will Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

Although fresh paint will help with your home’s appearance, it will reduce your indoor air quality. This is because paint fumes contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are detrimental to your health.

Some VOCs include formaldehyde, chloride, and benzene, all of which lead to many negative outcomes for one’s health. Luckily, you can avoid exposure to these VOCs by purchasing AAF Flanders air filters for your home’s HVAC system.

Overall, you shouldn’t have to worry about indoor air quality harming your health. Now that you know a few common myths and misconceptions about indoor air quality, you can avoid making the same mistakes that others have made and start finding solutions to any indoor air problems in your home.

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