Spring allergies and the importance of replacing an air filter

Flowers are starting to bud, and with that spring allergies are a common thing that pops up with many people as the seasons change. As the weather warms up, plants and trees start to bloom and with that pollen begins to fill the air. For people with allergies spring can be a challenging time of year. Allergies can cause symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and congestion. One way to help alleviate these symptoms is by using a high quality pleated air filter in your home or businesses HVAC system.

Air filters are designed to remove contaminants from the air including pollen, dust, dust mites and other allergens. There are many different types of air filters available ranging from basic fiberglass or spun glass filters, pleated filters to more advanced HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration. HEPA filters are particularly effective at removing the smallest particles, but aren't as common in homes or most commercial systems. They are more commonly found in Hospitals or other facilities that require the cleanest air possible.

Using air filters can help reduce the amount of allergens in the air, which can help alleviate allergy symptoms. However, it is important to choose the right type of air filter for your needs. Basic filters may not be as effective at removing small particles, while pleated filters can be a little more expensive but also last longer.

When choosing a replacement air filter for your HVAC system, consider the type of allergens you are most sensitive to. At minimum you will want to go with a pleated filter ranging from a MERV 8 to a MERV 13 being the best or most efficient at removing smaller particles from the air.

It's also important to change your air HVAC filter regularly. Over time air filters become clogged with debris which can reduce their effectiveness. Most pleated style filters should be replaced every three months on average.

In addition to using an air filter there are other steps you can take to reduce your exposure to allergens in your home or business. Keep windows and doors closed during high pollen days and avoid spending time outdoors during peak allergy season. Vacuum and dust your home regularly and wash bedding in hot water to kill dust mites.

Spring allergies can be a frustrating problem for many people and we are here to help. Using a quality air filter can help reduce allergens in the air and help tp alleviate allergy symptoms. Remember to change your filters regularly and take other steps to reduce your exposure to allergens. Enjoy the spring season without suffering from allergies. 

EducationIndoor air quality (iaq)

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