Do you ask yourself "What is the difference between the types of furnace filters?" With there being so many types it's very difficult to pick which one is right for you and your home. Here is a quick and easy break down on the different types.

The most popular of the filters are the Pleated Filters. These filters have a thicker lining and more surface to collect and trap particles. They have a large range of types, from lower merv ratings capturing the larger particles and the higher rated filters capture the microscopic particles. These filters are great for people that have allergies because you can use a higher rated filter to capture more small particles. These are recommended to be changed every 90 days.

A great eco-friendly option is the Washable Electrostatic Filters. These put off a magnetic charge to capture particles in the air. This filter works great for a home that no one has any respiratory problems or major allergies. It's very important to keep these filters clean, so they are recommended to be washed every month.

The HEPA filter, High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, is usually used in commercial systems that absolutely need the cleanest air possible such as hospitals, etc. Since these filters do so well at blocking particles it also restricts the flow of air so they are not recommended for the common home.

The cheapest filter is a disposable basic fiberglass filter. The good thing about this filter is that it protects your system by blocking the larger particles in the air but the bad thing is it doesn't block all the microscopic particles. These filters are recommended to be changed every 30 days.

Now you ask, "What does Merv rating mean?" Merv stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The higher the rating the more particles it's captures.

Check out our FAQs if you have some filter questions that you need answered. Visit for all types of filters.

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